Saturday, July 12, 2008

Apple Fries Update

We stopped at a reststop on our way upstate today because my daughter had to use the bathroom. When my husband returned from taking her, I noticed he had a Burger King bag in his hands. My first instinct was to get annoyed. I said, "Doug, you know I don't like you or the kids to eat that junk". He smiled and pulled out two orders of apple fries. "I knew you wanted to see what these looked like". He was right. I threw out the empty bag and handed the kids the "fries". They were so excited. "Mommy- these look like French fries", my son giggled. They really did. I tried one and they were fresh, crisp, and yummy. My children ate them all and gave them a thumbs up. What a great idea! (By the way, I threw the low fat caramel dipping sauce away with the bag, figuring it wasn't necessary- but I looked at the nutrition label first and the sauce only had 35 calories. Not necessary- but not too bad. I am impressed with Burger King's ingenuity and I hope they continue to introduce other healthy, fun options for kids.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hooray for healthy options!