Thursday, February 5, 2009

Liquid Candy (aka soda)

Just how bad is soda? Well, let's look at the statistics.

A can (12 fl oz) of soda has 150 calories.
If you drink one can of soda a day, you will have consumed 54,750 extra calories in a year.
It takes 3,500 calories to form a pound of fat.

You will gain 15.6 pounds each year by drinking just one can of soda a day.

It gets worse...

Look at the vending machines around you. It is now rare to see soda cans in them. Instead, we have 'upgraded' to the 20 fl oz bottle. What happens if you drink a bottle of soda a day?

A bottle (20 fl oz) of soda has 250 calories.
If you drink one bottle of soda a day, you will have consumed 91,250 extra calories in a year.
It (still) takes 3,500 calories to form a pound of fat.

You will gain 26 pounds each year by drinking just one bottle of soda a day.

And let's not discuss kids who drink soda with lunch, snack, and dinner. They are at very high risk for obesity.

More on soda tomorrow...

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