Friday, January 16, 2009

Eat a food you hate!

Eat a food you hate...

I recently read this advice on Twitter and I love it!

Eat a food you hate... Why? Because taste is a learned process. Many people believe that you either like the taste of a certain food or you do not. But actually, taste develops over time. In fact, it often takes ten to fifteen times of trying the same food before you actually learn to like it. So when you eat a food you hate, you are training your taste buds. Before long, you may actually enjoy it!

I found this with brussel sprouts. My mother loves brussel sprouts. Growing up, she made them often. And although to this day she insists it is not true, she always forced me to eat my brussel sprouts. I didn't have to eat all of them but I did have to try them. At that time, I resented it. Even now, my son and I joke about how much I hate brussel sprouts. But the other day, I was served brussel sprouts at a dinner. I took a bite and to my surprise, I loved them! I even ate the entire serving. My son, Zachary, couldn't believe it and he agreed to try them also. He didn't like them but we are not giving up hope!

I don't believe in forcing kids to eat foods they dislike but I do believe in the 'two bite rule'. Insist your child try two bites of each food you put in front of them. If he/she doesn't like it, he/she doesn't have to eat more than two bites. But the next time that food is served, the 'two bite rule' still applies.

Eat a food you hate and you just might wind up with a food you love!

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