Monday, November 10, 2008


I had a great meeting with Subway today. The Subway people are intent on providing healthy choices for children. Lanette, the official Subway Registered Dietician, went over the menu, pointing out all the healthy options. They are offering kids' meals with a choice of mini-sandwich with baked potato chips, low-fat yogurt, or apple slices. They also offer bottled water, juice, or low-fat milk for a beverage. They are proud that they do NOT include a cookie with the meal (although they do include a toy). The Chief Marketing Officer told a story about going to McDonald's and ordering apple slices. The server placed the apple slices and a container of caramel on his tray. He said, "No thanks. I don't want the caramel," and the server said, "But it all comes together." "Why," he asked. "Aren't apples naturally sweet enough?" It seems that McDonalds insists on making everything more caloric than it needs to be. Subway does not. Subway is also spending money promoting children's health issues. Jared was also at this meeting. What a nice guy. He has started his own foundation to increase awareness about childhood obesity. He goes to schools all over the country, warning kids not to make the same mistakes that he made.

I can honestly say that I endorse Subway and its products. Parents can be sure that Subway will provide a fast, inexpensive, HEALTHY meal for their children.

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