Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obese Teens Risk of Dying Young Same as Heavy Smoker's!

Wow! A new study was reviewed in the NY Times that has some shocking results. They discuss a large European study published in this week's British Medical Journal that spanned decades. The study found that young men who were overweight at age 18 were as likely to die by age 60 as smokers who smoke up to10 cigarettes a day (aka 'light smokers'); these young adults were one-third more likely to die young! The study then went on to say that obese teens were as likely to die by age 60 as heavy smokers who smoke more than half a pack of cigarettes a day; their risk was DOUBLE the normal risk.

As with every study, there is some backlash that the risk is overstated. But either way, it does serve to remind us that being overweight or obese is not a cosmetic issue; it is a severe medical issue.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in our country. According to the CDC, obesity will soon overpass smoking to take this dubious honor.

Parents: take action now! Do not wait. The time to help your overweight child is NOW!

Our site is live! Now your child can lose weight following Dr. Dolgoff'sWeigh online. Go to for more information. Your child's road to wellness starts here...