Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let's go nuts!

Nuts are an extremely healthy snack for kids because they contain the healthy type of fat: monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats actually don't raise 'bad' cholesterol but do raise 'good' cholesterol. The fiber in nuts helps to keep you full and the high fat level helps to keep you satisfied. Nuts have been shown to be part of a healthy diet. They can even decrease your risk of heart disease! Of course, you want to watch your portion size because nuts do contain calories. But if you keep your intake at a moderate level, they are a great snack.

Great nuts to snack on include:

peanuts (which are actually legumes but have similar a nutrient profile to nuts)
pistacio nuts
macadamia nuts

One other caution about nuts: they should not be given to children under the age of two years. If you have a strong family history of nut/peanut allergy, wait until your children are three years before you introduce them. You also want to watch your children as they eat nuts as they can be a choking hazard. Children should be sitting down while eating nuts.


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